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Merseyweg 10
3197 KG Rotterdam
(Havennummer 5210)
Contact info
+31 (0)181 213476

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"Lactic acid is the main building block for the biodegradable biopolymer PLA, which has been replacing fossil-based plastics in many applications. However, lactic acid is being produced from refined crop sugars, which uses the land that could be used for food production instead.

Nature's Principles is upscaling a novel patented fermentation process that is more robust and resilient, being feedstock agnostic and bringing the possibility to produce lactic acid from industry residual streams while decreasing process operational costs."

https://naturesprinciples.eu/: Nature's Principles


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Theemsweg 5
3197 KM Rotterdam-Botlek


+31 (0)181 213476