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Contact info
Merseyweg 10
3197 KG Rotterdam
(Havennummer 5210)
Contact info
+31 (0)181 213476

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Bezoek inplannen

By using Plant One Rotterdam, the Port and City of Rotterdam is Ioniqa recently settled in Rotterdam, in the immediate vicinity include PET producer Indorama. Plant One in Rotterdam is being built to a scale-up system of 1000 liters, the final step towards the demonstration plant of 10,000 tons, which in 2017 could be operational. The necessary equipment for testing and scaling up will be accommodated in Plant One Rotterdam. Pilot facilities, expertise and service from Rotterdam is some promising scale-ups like Ioniqa speeds can bring to commercial growth.


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Theemsweg 5
3197 KM Rotterdam-Botlek


+31 (0)181 213476